What does my child need to bring with them?

All dancers need to wear loose comfortable clothing; no jeans or skirts (unless leggings are worn underneath). Children can wear bare feet of clean trainers. Each child should bring plenty of water to drink (ideally in a reusable plastic water bottle), have their hair tied back and wear no jewellery.

Are the Adult classes suitable for complete beginners?

Our Monday Adult classes are for beginners and are pitched at an ‘open’ level. Our teachers will ensure you are made to feel comfortable and will begin class in a safe, calm environment with plenty of time and teaching points given to allow you to find your stride.

Whether you have always dreamt of giving dance a go but never found the confidence – or you returning to the dance studio after many years out whilst ‘life’ got in the way; we will get you moving again!

How do I find the studio?

Type Cody Studios into Goolge Maps and you should find us straight away.
Our address is 219 High Street, Acton, W3 9BY.
We are opposite the ‘Kings Head Hotel’.

We are a 10 min walk from Acton Central & Acton Town Station.

Is there any parking?

We don’t have our own parking, however, we do benefit from being directly opposite Morrisions, where you can park for FREE for 2 hours.